2023 Maui wildfire aftermath

Released: February 19, 2025

SHELDUS 23 is here

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Find out what disasters cost your community

SHELDUS™ is a county-level hazard data set for the U.S. and covers natural hazards such thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tornados as well as perils such as flash floods, heavy rainfall, etc. The database contains information on the date of an event, affected location (county and state) and the direct losses caused by the event (property and crop losses, injuries, and fatalities) from 1960 to present.
The latest update, and currently accessible data, occurred on February 15, 2024 with the release of Version 22.0.  This version includes new data for 2022 and data updates of years prior. The database is searchable by location and time, presidentially declared disasters (PDD), named events (aligned with the Billion Dollar Events), and Global Identifier Number (GLIDE). For more information see the SHELDUS Metadata.
Since the release of Version 15.2, the database includes insured crop losses (indemnity payments). Insured crop losses cover the period from January 1989 to present. Since the relase of Version 18.1, the database now contains loss information for Puerto Rico, Guam, and other U.S. territories.
SHELDUS™ was developed by the Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute at the University of South Carolina and originally supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 99053252 and 0220712) and the University of South Carolina's Office of the Vice President for Research. Since 2018, the ASU Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security supports and maintains SHELDUS™.

Partner Sites

Introducing the National Risk Index
SHELDUS is part of the National Risk Index created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Learn more about the NRI at https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/.
Combine loss data with social vulnerability data to better prepare your community for disasters.
Visit VMAP at https://www.vulnerabilitymap.org.