How to access SHELDUS

  1. Location and date: This is the most flexible way of searching SHELDUS™. It allows you to select your location (state/county), time period, and hazard type(s). You have the option to choose between raw data and aggregated data downloads. All South Carolina data are free of charge.
  2. Named event: The list of named major disasters in SHELDUS™ matches the National Climatic Data Center's Billion Dollar Disasters. A named event in SHELDUS™ can consist of hundreds of SHELDUS™ raw data records. We matched the type of hazard, location, and time period to create easy downloads for big disasters. Named events come as raw data downloads and are charged per record. 
  3. Presidential Disaster Declaration (PDD): A PDD event can consist of hundreds of SHELDUS™ raw data records. We matched the type of hazard, location, and time period to create easy downloads by Presidential Disaster Declaration. PDDs come as raw data downloads and are charged per record. Please note that the PDD list is incomplete. For some PDDs, there are no reports from our data sources (NCDC, NCEI - formerly NGDC, USGS, etc.) and hence no records in our database to match the PDD.
  4. Global Disaster Identifier (GLIDE): A GLIDE event can consist of hundreds of SHELDUS™ raw data records. We matched the type of hazard, location, and time period to create easy downloads by GLIDE. GLIDEs come as raw data downloads and are charged per record.

  • location of where the loss occurred: State, County, and FIPS code
  • date when the loss occurred: begin and end date (day, month, year)
  • type of loss experienced: property and crop damage, fatalities, and injuries
  • type of hazard that triggered the loss: SHELDUS™ hazard category and remarks (description according to the original source)
  • Miscellaneous (where available): named major disaster, Presidential Disaster Declaration number (PDD), Global Disaster Identifier number (GLIDE)

The above attributes are available for raw data downloads. Aggregated data are reduced in resolution either temporally (year, month, or quarter), spatially (county or state), or by hazard types (summed across all hazards or broken down into the SHELDUS™ hazard categories).

Create a free user account to run a query and get a quote!

See the metadata page for more detailed information on data attributes, processing, and more.

  1. Aggregated SHELDUS™ data

    Aggregated data are available through a subscription or pay-as-you-go. Data are aggregated by location (state or county), time (year, month, or quarter), and/or hazard type. All aggregations are user-defined. The download file contains information on how many records fed into each aggregation, i.e. the Records column will show how many raw data records were utilized to create the, for example, May 2005 total. Aggregation options can be changed easily and a preview will always appear before downloading the data. For pricing on subscription packages, please see Subscription Tiers.

    Pay-As-You-Go Pricing for Aggregated Outputs:

    fewer than 20,000 records3 cents/record
    between 20,000 and 200,000 records2 cents/record
    more than 200,000 records1.2 cents/record
  2. Raw SHELDUS™ data

    Raw data are available on a pay-as-you-go basis only. A raw data record shows the losses associated with a specific event. The pricing for raw data varies. The default pricing for all registered SHELDUS™ users is Commercial. For changes to the default pricing please email cogeogSHELDUS™

    Raw Data Pricing

    Education/Research10 cents/record
    State/Local Governments and Tribal Nations15 cents/records
    Federal Government25 cents/records
    Commercial50 cents/records


To access SHELDUS™  data, you must be signed in and complete a data query. Please ensure that you select the submit/re-submit button after Step 7 for the system to properly process aggregated queries. At the end of the query process, a green download button will appear at the bottom of the webpage.

Click on the data download button.

The data download can contain up to two .csv files: File A contains the direct property, crop, injury, and fatality information. File B contains the insured crop indemnities. 

A subscription can be purchased directly online (see below) or via check. Please initiate payment via check by requesting an invoice from

To purchase your subscription directly online, please follow these steps:

  1. Register with SHELDUS with your organizational email at no charge.
  2. Verify your email address.
  3. Once registered and your email is verified, sign in with your SHELDUS credentials.
  4. When signed in, a link will appear on the top right of the website "Purchase a subscription". Click on the link and follow the prompts to select your correct subscription type.
  5. It may take up to 1-2 business days for your subscription to be activated. Once activated, you can download data as often and as frequently as desired until your subscription expires.

Subscriptions provide access to unlimited downloads of aggregated data. Subscriptions expire annually with a new version release of SHELDUS™. For example, if you were to purchase a SHELDUS subscription in October, it would expire in January when the new SHELDUS version is released. To purchase a subscription: log in and select "Purchase a subscription."

New pricing structure as of October 1, 2020 

1. Academic Use:

The Academic subscription level is strictly for those persons studying, teaching, or undertaking research at an institution of higher education. If you have a .edu email address and will be using SHELDUS™ as part of your work or studies this is the subscription for you.

  Individual Institutional
Student $100 $600
Instructional $100 $600
Research and Instruction $600 $1,200

2. Governmental Use:

The Government subscription level is for those working for a local, state, or federal government entity - including the military. If you have a .gov or a .mil email address and are using SHELDUS™ as part of your work associated with this email this is the subscription for you.

  Individual Institutional
Local Agency $300 $600
State Agency and Tribal Nations $900 $1,200
Federal Agency $3,000 $9,000


3. Non-profit or Corporate Use:
The Corporation subscription level is for those working for any non-profit or for-profit enterprise not associated with a university or the government. If you have a .com or a .org email address and will be using SHELDUS™ as part of your work associated with this email, this is the subscription for you.

  Individual Institutional
Non-Profit $600 $1,200
Annual Sales under $500,000 $3,600 $6,000
Annual Sales between $500,000 and $1 Million $6,000 $9,600
Annual Sales over $1 Million $9,600 $12,000


Each member of the institution will register with SHELDUS individually using their institutional email. SHELDUS accommodates multiple institutional domains should your institution utilize different domains for faculty, students, etc.

Upon activation of an institutional license, all new registrants from your institution will have instant access. Users of your institutions who have registered in the past with SHELDUS will need to enter a passcode to (re-)gain access to your institutional subscription. Subscription passcodes are only shared with a designated point of contact (e.g., eLibrarian) at the time of subscription. The contact information for the institutional point of contact (name, email, phone number) will be displayed to existing users of your organization upon login to their account--even if it has not been reactivated yet.

Please note that we do not control access based on IP ranges, but rather purely by email domain.